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The Fundamentals of Weathering  2023

Seminars on weathering durability testing techniques

May 22-23

Netanya, Israel

The Speakers



Technical consultant


Dr. Florian Feil

senior technical consultant

Dr. Florian Feil is an expert in the field of Weathering and Photodegradation, having 10 years experience in protective coatings and materials degradation. Since 2015 he is the Global Manager Client Education at ATLAS Materials Testing Technologies in Linsengericht-Altenhasslau, also being in this company a Technical Consultant since 2012.

Florian represents Atlas in European and international standardization committees (DIN, CEN ISO, ASTM) and is also chairman of ISO TC35 SC9 (General test methods for paints and varnishes).


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Mr. Jürgen Parr

Bachelors Professional of Business Administration and Operations (CCI)

Joined Atlas MTT in 1999 as Areas Sales Manager, responsible for sales and support of local representations in the Middle East and Africa.


Today Export Sales Manager for supporting Atlas representation on application questions and customer training's.


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Weathering specialist


Fundamentals of Weathering I and II


The negative reaction of a material to climatic influences is frequently the reason for unwanted and premature product failure.
Manufacturers, processors, and users must be able to predict the functional suitability of polymeric materials.

For product development it is a must to recognize the key factors that cause degradation and – as a consequence to understand how to properly conduct such durability tests.

The seminars cover weather factors, their effects on products, as well as testing techniques to determine the durability of materials exposed to light and weather.

In addition, the seminars provide most important tools for test program development, test results evaluation and correlation assessment.
Both seminars will give special attention to the testing of paints and protective coatings, automotive materials, architectural building products, molded plastics, profiles, textile, packaging, printing, and wood materials.

Fundamentals of Weathering I

It is a basic, one-day seminar that emphasizes lightfastness and weathering durability testing techniques. These techniques include natural and accelerated outdoor exposure testing as well as laboratory accelerated methods and instruments.
The seminar will introduce the basics of how various factors of weather and climate, such as solar radiation, heat and moisture, may affect materials and how to test the resistance of a formulation or product to them.
In addition, students will learn about important standards such as DIN, ISO, SAE, ASTM etc.

Examples for correlation and acceleration will be discussed as well.

Fundamentals of Weathering II

It is a seminar where we will build on the day before, and discuss in more detail how the effects of weather influence material degradation and photo-chemical degradation pathways.

We will also explain how correlation and acceleration can be balanced to achieve faster but still reliable test results.

Many other topics related to reliable weathering testing, such as reference materials, stabilization techniques, spectral sensitivity and reciprocity will be covered.

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Fundamentals of Weathering  2023


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The Fundamentals of Weathering  2023


May 22-23 , 2023


Vert Lagoon Hotel, Netanya

2023 Fundamentals of Weathering I and II - By Atlas MTT And S.R. Agencies Ltd.

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